FkFace Value

The premier of 'FkFace Value' is finally up!!! :D

Yayyy...glad the gif-animation works! Had a bit of problem with the internet line earlier today so i had to delay this post. Hope this will be the first of many 'cartoon' instalments of the quirky character named FkFace.

To be on the friendlier side with minimum vulgarity, the front part of his name has been omitted to 'Fk' with the 'silent k' being formed by the arrow sign. Since i can't use the arrow key on this blog because of html technicalities, i will refer to the character as 'FkFace' ;)

I got the name from Annie, a friend of mine whose the first person i know to call 'certain' people by that name openly. Respect the woman ;) She could run you down with her words let alone beat you with her bear hands! much love in the office :p But I think she meant it in the best possible way...hehe. It wasn't after 2 years+ that the inspiration came to mind. I thought, "Wouldn't it be weird & cool to have a character literally with a 'fk' face" and "WAH-LAH!"...the kamasutra-faced one was born :$

I hope you'll learn to like him and not judge him by his face value, cos i know he'll bring smiles to your face when you least expect it (mind the puns ;)


Nicholas Quah
Project Creator