Shi's Babybloo Angel & Foh Chai Toys

The above toys were created based on the drawings made by Lee Chyng Shi (See previous post entitled Spot2). I like these two characters of hers that i thought, "Hey, i bet they would look awesome in actual 3D real life!" and proceeded to sculpting them :)

Babybloo Angel is an adorable blue coloured baby with an attitude (notice the metal earring!). With swift white wings to keep her afloat and armed with killer milk bottles as ammunition, she is ever vigilant in keeping enemies at bay!

Foh Chai on the other hand is a suicidal match stick. Always finding ways to kill himself! Fiery hot idea!...haha. The match head is interchangeable to show Foh Chai's different facial expressions. And the flame incidentally is made of glow in the dark material for amazing night effect ;) Kewl!

These toys are not for sale...yet! Maybe in the near future ;) So look out for them ya!