Happy 1 Month!

It's 02.03.09!

The Darevil Inside! is 1-month young today.
It's been a fruitful, busy & crazy month! ;)

WHAT has happened over the last 31 days?
i) 2 admirable showcases published
ii) 2 t-shirt designs went on sale
iii) Project Dare1.0 was launched
(P/S: Deadline has been extended to 30.04.09, so keep them submissions coming!)
iv) Project EMO: Lovevolve series with 8 collection and 12 accessories for order to date
v) Project EMO Green and support for the Earth hour, and
vi) 7 inspirational wallpapers for your your desktop

A lot? Too little? Or not much? ...It doesn't really matter, does it? :)
What matters most is that making things happen is indeed POSSIBLE. Its whether you want to or not. The Darevil Inside! is moving and it has moved people to think, re-think and to do things hopefully.

To those who can relate to the concept & insight - thanx for your feedback. May you have the courage to take that first step.
To those who've given your support - thank you, thank you & thank you! I really appreciate it! :D
To those who do not fully understand - may be one day you will.
To those who took and are taking the stand to move forward - i salute you! Kudos. Keep inspiring people to live their dreams and thank you for all the support.

Life is short. No regrets. Remember that.

Here's looking ahead to the next month. What's in store you might ask? Hmmm...April will be a month focused on toys, characters, illustrations and 'weird' stuff. There will be a new segment entitled 'Spots' as well which i will share little creative projects done by friends and fellow creatives. This mini version of a showcase will prove that you shouldn't underestimate the small little things. They do make a huge difference in life. So, keep on blogging in to see what other new things are coming ya ;)

Stay happy, stay healthy, take care & smile always,
Nicholas Quah
Project Creator